Friday, April 4, 2014


The new flags with the new logo will be on the golf course starting today.  Instead of the 3 color system of the past (red/white/blue) that indicated the hole location, all of the flags are the same color.  To indicate the hole location a pin sheet is provided.  For those who choose to ride a cart the hole location sheet will be posted in your cart.  For golfers who prefer to walk, a hole location sheet is available in the proshop or from the starter.

As you can see in the image below, the hole location sheet shows each of the 18 greens, their depth in yards and the numbers 1, 2, and 3. The 1, 2, and 3 are the hole locations. Today the hole location is "1".  The hole is on the back of the first green, the middle of green 2 and the front of green 3, and so on.  On day "2" the hole will be in the middle of green 1, the front of green 2, and the back of green 3, etc.

Hopefully this will be a simple adjustment and the hole location sheet will be useful.  

Also, for those of you who use a laser range finder, the "smarty reflectors" (the prism at the top of the flag stick) are back on the sticks.  Your range finder should locate the flag a little bit more easily than last year.