Friday, October 16, 2015


As you all have witnessed by this point, areas on some of the new par 3 tees and the approach on #16 fairway are still not draining properly.  On the off chance you have not seen these areas, check out the images below.  It is unfortunate that the new surfaces are not performing as we had hoped but it is not totally unusual or unexpected to experience these types of issues with new construction either. Often times there is settling and other changes with new surfaces that must be addressed.

The good news is, earlier this week, I met with the contractor that did the work last fall earlier and he plans to return to Chantilly with a small crew and fix the problem areas.  We don't have an exact date yet but we are shooting for later this month.

The repair will entail removal of whatever grass survived the summer in the affected areas, regrading the soil and then installing new sod.  For the most part, the areas will remain in play once repaired but roped off to keep foot traffic of the new turf until it has time to establish.

The specific areas that will be address are #4 primary tee (the edge nearest the cart path), #7 upper tee (back left edge), #12 forward tee, and #16 approach.

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