Tuesday, July 11, 2017


Sorry for the infrequent posts as of late...your golf course has kept me quite busy. Since my last post a lot has happened on your course so, in an effort to catch-up, below are several topics and a lot of pics.



It's summer. Hot and dry (less than 1" of rain in June) or hot and wet (3.35" of rain just last week) conditions should be expected in the transition zone. Nothing new really but that doesn't mean your cool season turf likes it. In an effort to reduce the stress inflicted by the elements on your turfgrass, the greens and par 3 tees are being vented with 3/8" solid tines today and tomorrow.  This will aid in helping them dry a bit when they are too wet, accept irrigation when they are too dry, and allow the roots to breath.

I mentioned that 3.35" rainfall event last week...below are few pics of your course from last Thursday afternoon.

The recent emergency spillway grading and rip rap work appears to be performing flawlessly. Flooding on holes 10 and 11 has not been eliminated (nor was that the expectation) but it certainly seems to have reduced the length of time water sits on the fairways. Additionally, all erosion concerns have been eliminated.


As a reminder, aerosol products such as sunscreen and insect repellent contain ingredients that can be lethal to turfgrass. The image below was taken on the chipping green approach yesterday.  The turf may recover but it will look rough for a few weeks.  Please apply aerosol products while standing on the cart path.


With 1600 heads and 40 miles of pipe in the ground irrigation issues are to be expected. We have had a handful of minor irrigation issues this summer and, fortunately, most have been fairly minor and had little to no impact on the turfgrass. Our biggest problem was a main line leak near the 17th green. This is the 12" diameter pipe that exits the pump station and feeds the entire course.  Without it the entire system is off. Thanks to some hard working men and an excavator the pinhole leak was repaired very quickly, only about 36 hours after it was discovered, and the turf never missed an irrigation cycle.

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