Tuesday, May 27, 2014


There is a lot going on around your golf course this week.  The bare, low lying areas on #16 fairway will be sodded. As you can see in the image below, we have started prepping the areas for the new turf. This is not a solution for the drainage issues but merely a band aid.  A permanent solution is in the works but, in the mean time, the areas will be sodded to improve your golfing experience this summer.

While the work is being performed, the hole will be played as a par 3.  The hole will also be CARTS ON PATH ONLY until the sod is able to root down enough to handle the cart traffic.

Also, the new stamped and stained concrete tee amenity stations are being installed.  The posts were installed last week and the concrete forms have been started.  If the weather cooperates we hope to start pouring concrete later this week.