Thursday, November 12, 2015


If you played golf in the last week or so you probably noticed the areas in many of the fairways that have been prepped for new sod. On Monday, your golf course maintenance team, with the help of General Manager, Kyle Mooney, Director of Services, Richard Rochford, and Cart Attendant, Garrett Ryan, installed 5,500 square feet of 007 bentgrass sod in your fairways.

As you likely know, these areas (that I refer to as "bird baths") have been perennial problems as they are the low areas that hold water anytime it rains...some even hold water after an irrigation cycle. Ultimately, the goal is to permanently repair these areas by re-grading and/or installing subsurface drainage systems but, in the mean time, they have been re-grassed once again to improve both the aesthetics and the play-ability of your golf course.

It will take some time for the new sod to root down and be ready to handle play and traffic so these areas are marked as GUR with white paint.  Please help by dropping outside of the white line and avoiding driving golf carts and walking on the sod. Thanks.

Kyle, Richard, and Garrett, thanks for your help!

In addition to the sod installation in the fairways, several high traffic areas, mostly between tees and cart path, are now being prepared for tall fescue sod installation next week.

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